Specifies if a gesture should be captured when it goes outside of the graph container. Default is true.
mxCell that acts as the root of the displayed cell hierarchy.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation. If the resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the status message. Default is 'done'.
Variable: eventListeners
Holds the event names and associated listeners in an array. The array contains the event name followed by the respective listener for each registered listener.
Variable: eventSource
Optional source for events. Default is null.
Variable: eventsEnabled
Specifies if events can be fired. Default is true.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
mxRectangle that caches the scales, translated bounds of the current view.
During validation, this contains the last edge HTML DOM node that was processed.
During validation, this contains the last edge's DOM node that was processed.
During validation, this contains the last HTML DOM node that was processed.
During validation, this contains the last DOM node that was processed.
Specifies if the canvas should be hidden while rendering in IE8 standards mode and quirks mode. This will significantly improve rendering performance. Default is true.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph. Default is true.
Specifies the scale. Default is 1 (100%).
mxDictionary that maps from cell IDs to {@link mxCellStates}.
Specifies if the style should be updated in each validation step. If this is false then the style is only updated if the state is created or if the style of the cell was changed. Default is false.
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the document is being updated. If the resource for this key does not exist then the value is used as the status message. Default is 'updatingDocument'.
Function: addListener
Binds the specified function to the given event name. If no event name is given, then the listener is registered for all events.
The parameters of the listener are the sender and an
Removes the state of the given cell and all descendants if the given cell is not the current root.
Optional mxCell for which the state should be removed. Default is the root of the model.
Boolean indicating if the current root should be ignored for recursion.
Creates and returns the shape used as the background page.
mxRectangle that represents the bounds of the shape.
Creates the DOM nodes for the HTML display.
Creates and returns a drawing pane in HTML (DIV).
Creates and returns an mxCellState for the given cell and initializes it using {@link mxCellRenderer.initialize}.
mxCell for which a new mxCellState should be created.
Creates and returns the DOM nodes for the SVG display.
Creates the DOM nodes for the VML display.
Creates a drawing pane in VML (group).
Destroys the view and all its resources.
Function: fireEvent
Dispatches the given event to the listeners which are registered for the event. The sender argument is optional. The current execution scope ("this") is used for the listener invocation (see <mxUtils.bind>).
(code) fireEvent(new mxEventObject("eventName", key1, val1, .., keyN, valN)) (end)
evt -
Returns the bounds for the background page.
Returns the DOM node that represents the background layer.
Returns the bounding box of the shape and the label for the given mxCellState and its children if recurse is true.
mxCellState whose bounding box should be returned.
Optional boolean indicating if the children should be included. Default is true.
Returns the union of all {@link mxCellStates} for the given array of mxCell.
Returns the DOM node that contains the background-, draw- and overlay- and decoratorpanes.
Returns the DOM node that represents the topmost drawing layer.
Returns the DOM node that represents the main drawing layer.
Returns the edge style function to be used to render the given edge state.
Returns the bounds for an empty graph. This returns a rectangle at translate with the size of 0 x 0.
Function: getEventSource
Returns the fixed source or target terminal point for the given edge.
mxCellState whose terminal point should be returned.
mxCellState which represents the actual terminal.
Boolean that specifies if the terminal is the source.
mxConnectionConstraint that specifies the connection.
Returns the floating terminal point for the given edge, start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
mxCellState whose terminal point should be returned.
mxCellState for the terminal on "this" side of the edge.
mxCellState for the terminal on the other side of the edge.
Boolean indicating if start is the source terminal state.
Returns graphBounds.
Returns the nearest point in the list of absolute points or the center of the opposite terminal.
mxCellState that represents the edge.
mxCellState that represents the opposite terminal.
Boolean indicating if the next point for the source or target should be returned.
Returns the DOM node that represents the layer above the drawing layer.
Returns the perimeter bounds for the given terminal, edge pair as an mxRectangle.
If you have a model where each terminal has a relative child that should act as the graphical endpoint for a connection from/to the terminal, then this method can be replaced as follows:
mxCellState that represents the terminal.
Number that adds a border between the shape and the perimeter.
Returns the perimeter function for the given state.
Returns an mxPoint that defines the location of the intersection point between the perimeter and the line between the center of the shape and the given point.
mxCellState for the source or target terminal.
mxPoint that lies outside of the given terminal.
Boolean that specifies if the orthogonal projection onto the perimeter should be returned. If this is false then the intersection of the perimeter and the line between the next and the center point is returned.
Optional border between the perimeter and the shape.
Returns the absolute point on the edge for the given relative mxGeometry as an mxPoint. The edge is represented by the given mxCellState.
mxCellState that represents the state of the parent edge.
mxGeometry that represents the relative location.
Gets the relative point that describes the given, absolute label position for the given edge state.
Specifies the x-coordinate of the absolute label location.
Specifies the y-coordinate of the absolute label location.
Returns the x-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
Returns the y-coordinate of the center point for automatic routing.
Returns the scale.
Returns the mxCellState for the given cell. If create is true, then the state is created if it does not yet exist.
mxCell for which the mxCellState should be returned.
Optional boolean indicating if a new state should be created if it does not yet exist. Default is false.
Returns states.
Returns an mxCellState that represents the source or target terminal or port for the given edge.
mxCellState that represents the state of the edge.
mxCellState that represents the terminal.
Boolean indicating if the given terminal is the source terminal.
Returns the nearest ancestor terminal that is visible. The edge appears to be connected to this terminal on the display. The result of this method is cached in mxCellState.getVisibleTerminalState.
mxCell whose visible terminal should be returned.
Boolean that specifies if the source or target terminal should be returned.
Initializes the graph event dispatch loop for the specified container and invokes create to create the required DOM nodes for the display.
Installs the required listeners in the container.
Returns allowEval.
Returns true if the children of the given cell should not be visible in the view. This implementation uses mxGraph.isCellVisible but it can be overidden to use a separate condition.
Returns true if the event origin is one of the drawing panes or containers of the view.
Function: isEventsEnabled
Returns true if the given edge should be routed with mxGraph.defaultLoopStyle or the mxConstants.STYLE_LOOP defined for the given edge. This implementation returns true if the given edge is a loop and does not
Returns rendering.
Returns true if the event origin is one of the scrollbars of the container in IE. Such events are ignored.
Updates the bounds and redraws the background image.
If the background image should not be scaled, this can be replaced with the following.
mxImageShape that represents the background image.
mxImage that specifies the image and its dimensions.
Clears the view if currentRoot is not null and revalidates.
Function: removeListener
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from
Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
mxCell for which the mxCellState should be removed.
Resets the current validation state.
Revalidates the complete view with all cell states.
Sets the scale and translation and fires a scale and translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
Decimal value that specifies the new scale (1 is 100%).
X-coordinate of the translation.
Y-coordinate of the translation.
Sets allowEval.
Sets and returns the current root and fires an undo event before calling mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
Function: setEventSource
Function: setEventsEnabled
Sets graphBounds.
Sets rendering.
Sets the scale and fires a scale event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
Decimal value that specifies the new scale (1 is 100%).
Sets states.
Sets the translation and fires a translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange. The translation is the negative of the origin.
X-coordinate of the translation.
Y-coordinate of the translation.
Invoked when a state has been processed in {@link validatePoints}. This is used to update the order of the DOM nodes of the shape.
mxCellState that represents the cell state.
Transforms the given control point to an absolute point.
Updates the bounds of the given cell state to reflect the bounds of the stencil if it has a fixed aspect and returns the previous bounds as an mxRectangle if the bounds have been modified or null otherwise.
Updates the given mxCellState.
mxCellState to be updated.
Updates the style of the container after installing the SVG DOM elements.
Updates the given state using the bounding box of t he absolute points. Also updates mxCellState.terminalDistance, mxCellState.length and mxCellState.segments.
mxCellState whose bounds should be updated.
Updates mxCellState.absoluteOffset for the given state. The absolute offset is normally used for the position of the edge label. Is is calculated from the geometry as an absolute offset from the center between the two endpoints if the geometry is absolute, or as the relative distance between the center along the line and the absolute orthogonal distance if the geometry is relative.
mxCellState whose absolute offset should be updated.
Validates the given cell state.
Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
mxCellState whose terminal point should be updated.
mxCellState which represents the actual terminal.
Boolean that specifies if the terminal is the source.
mxConnectionConstraint that specifies the connection.
Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge style is computed.
mxCellState whose initial terminal points should be updated.
mxCellState which represents the source terminal.
mxCellState which represents the target terminal.
Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
mxCellState whose terminal point should be updated.
mxCellState for the terminal on "this" side of the edge.
mxCellState for the terminal on the other side of the edge.
Boolean indicating if start is the source terminal state.
Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was computed for the edge.
mxCellState whose terminal points should be updated.
mxCellState that represents the source terminal.
mxCellState that represents the target terminal.
Updates the size of the HTML canvas.
Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array of {@link mxPoints} as the relative points.
mxCellState whose absolute points should be updated.
Array of {@link mxPoints} that constitute the relative points.
mxCellState that represents the source terminal.
mxCellState that represents the target terminal.
Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state. This takes into account the label position styles.
mxCellState whose absolute offset should be updated.
Validates the given cell state.
Calls validateCell and validateCellState and updates the graphBounds using getBoundingBox. Finally the background is validated using validateBackground.
Optional mxCell to be used as the root of the validation. Default is currentRoot or the root of the model.
Calls validateBackgroundImage and validateBackgroundPage.
Validates the background image.
Validates the background page.
Recursively creates the cell state for the given cell if visible is true and the given cell is visible. If the cell is not visible but the state exists then it is removed using removeState.
mxCell whose mxCellState should be created.
Optional boolean indicating if the cell should be visible. Default is true.
Validates and repaints the mxCellState for the given mxCell.
mxCell whose mxCellState should be validated.
Optional boolean indicating if the children of the cell should be validated. Default is true.
Generated using TypeDoc
Specifies if string values in cell styles should be evaluated using mxUtils.eval. This will only be used if the string values can't be mapped to objects using mxStyleRegistry. Default is false. NOTE: Enabling this switch carries a possible security risk.