Stores alternate values for x, y, width and height in a rectangle. See swap to exchange the values. Default is null.
Variable: height
Holds the height of the rectangle. Default is 0.
For edges, this holds the offset (in pixels) from the position defined by x and y on the edge. For relative geometries (for vertices), this defines the absolute offset from the point defined by the relative coordinates. For absolute geometries (for vertices), this defines the offset for the label. Default is null.
Array of {@link mxPoints} which specifies the control points along the edge. These points are the intermediate points on the edge, for the endpoints use targetPoint and sourcePoint or set the terminals of the edge to a non-null value. Default is null.
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates. For edges, this is used to define the location of the edge label relative to the edge as rendered on the display. For vertices, this specifies the relative location inside the bounds of the parent cell.
If this is false, then the coordinates are relative to the origin of the parent cell or, for edges, the edge label position is relative to the center of the edge as rendered on screen.
Default is false.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge. This is used if the corresponding edge does not have a source vertex. Otherwise it is ignored. Default is null.
Defines the target mxPoint of the edge. This is used if the corresponding edge does not have a target vertex. Otherwise it is ignored. Default is null.
Variable: width
Holds the width of the rectangle. Default is 0.
Variable: x
Holds the x-coordinate of the point. Default is 0.
Variable: y
Holds the y-coordinate of the point. Default is 0.
Function: add
Adds the given rectangle to this rectangle.
Returns true if the given object equals this geometry.
Function: fromRectangle
Returns a new
Function: getCenterX
Returns the x-coordinate of the center point.
Function: getCenterY
Returns the y-coordinate of the center point.
Function: getPoint
Returns the top, left corner as a new
Function: grow
Grows the rectangle by the given amount, that is, this method subtracts the given amount from the x- and y-coordinates and adds twice the amount to the width and height.
Function: intersect
Changes this rectangle to where it overlaps with the given rectangle.
Rotates the geometry by the given angle around the given center. That is, x and y of the geometry, the sourcePoint, targetPoint and all points are translated by the given amount. x and y are only translated if relative is false.
that specifies the rotation angle in degrees.
that specifies the center of the rotation.
Function: rotate90
Rotates this rectangle by 90 degree around its center point.
Scales the geometry by the given amount. That is, x and y of the geometry, the sourcePoint, targetPoint and all points are scaled by the given amount. x, y, width and height are only scaled if relative is false. If {@link fixedAspect} is true, then the smaller value is used to scale the width and the height.
that specifies the horizontal scale factor.
that specifies the vertical scale factor.
boolean to keep the aspect ratio fixed.
Function: setRect
Sets this rectangle to the specified values
Sets the sourcePoint or targetPoint to the given mxPoint and returns the new point.
to be used as the new source or target point.
that specifies if the source or target point should be set.
Swaps the x, y, width and height with the values stored in alternateBounds and puts the previous values into alternateBounds as a rectangle. This operation is carried-out in-place, that is, using the existing geometry instance. If this operation is called during a graph model transactional change, then the geometry should be cloned before calling this method and setting the geometry of the cell using mxGraphModel.setGeometry.
Translates the geometry by the specified amount. That is, x and y of the geometry, the sourcePoint, targetPoint and all points are translated by the given amount. x and y are only translated if relative is false. If TRANSLATE_CONTROL_POINTS is false, then points are not modified by this function.
that specifies the x-coordinate of the translation.
that specifies the y-coordinate of the translation.
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Global switch to translate the points in translate. Default is true.