Variable: dy
Holds the current vertical offset.
Variable: eventListeners
Holds the event names and associated listeners in an array. The array contains the event name followed by the respective listener for each registered listener.
Variable: eventSource
Optional source for events. Default is null.
Variable: eventsEnabled
Specifies if events can be fired. Default is true.
Variable: graph
Reference to the enclosing
Variable: ignoreCell
Specifies if panning should be active even if there is a cell under the mousepointer. Default is false.
Variable: maxScale
Specifies the maximum scale. Default is 8.
Variable: minScale
Specifies the minimum scale. Default is 0.01.
Variable: panningEnabled
Specifies if panning should be enabled. Default is true.
Variable: pinchEnabled
Specifies if pinch gestures should be handled as zoom. Default is true.
Variable: previewEnabled
Specifies if the panning should be previewed. Default is true.
Variable: startX
Holds the x-coordinate of the start point.
Variable: startY
Holds the y-coordinate of the start point.
Variable: useGrid
Specifies if the panning steps should be aligned to the grid size. Default is false.
Variable: useLeftButtonForPanning
Specifies if panning should be active for the left mouse button.
Setting this to true may conflict with
Variable: usePopupTrigger
Specifies if <mxEvent.isPopupTrigger> should also be used for panning.
Function: addListener
Binds the specified function to the given event name. If no event name is given, then the listener is registered for all events.
The parameters of the listener are the sender and an
Function: consumePanningTrigger
Consumes the given
(code) consumePanningTrigger(me) { if (me.evt.preventDefault) { me.evt.preventDefault(); }
// Stops event processing in IE me.evt.returnValue = false;
// Sets local consumed state if (!mxClient.IS_SF && !mxClient.IS_MAC) { me.consumed = true; } }; (end)
Function: destroy
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
Function: fireEvent
Dispatches the given event to the listeners which are registered for the event. The sender argument is optional. The current execution scope ("this") is used for the listener invocation (see <mxUtils.bind>).
(code) fireEvent(new mxEventObject("eventName", key1, val1, .., keyN, valN)) (end)
evt -
Function: getEventSource
Function: isActive
Returns true if the handler is currently active.
Function: isEventsEnabled
Function: isForcePanningEvent
Returns true if the given
Function: isPanningEnabled
Function: isPanningTrigger
Returns true if the given event is a panning trigger for the optional
given cell. This returns true if control-shift is pressed or if
Function: isPinchEnabled
Function: mouseDown
Handles the event by initiating the panning. By consuming the event all subsequent events of the gesture are redirected to this handler.
Function: mouseMove
Handles the event by updating the panning on the graph.
Function: mouseUp
Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu.
Function: panGraph
Function: removeListener
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from
Function: mouseUp
Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu.
Function: setEventSource
Function: setEventsEnabled
Function: setPanningEnabled
Function: setPinchEnabled
Function: start
Starts panning at the given event.
Generated using TypeDoc
Variable: dx
Holds the current horizontal offset.