Returns the major version number for iOS devices or 0 if the device is not an iOS device.
Returns true if the user agent contains Android.
True if the this is running inside a Chrome App.
True if the client is a Chrome OS.
True if the current browser is Microsoft Edge.
True if the browser is IE11 in enterprise mode (IE8 standards mode).
True if the current browser is Firefox.
True if the current browser is Google Chrome.
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer 10 or below.
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer 11.x.
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer 6.x.
Returns true if the user agent is an iPad, iPhone or iPod.
True if the documents location does not start with http:// or https://.
True if the client is a Mac.
True if -moz-transform is available as a CSS style.
True if the current browser is Netscape (including Firefox).
True if the current browser is Opera.
True if -o-transform is available as a CSS style, ie for Opera browsers based on a Presto engine with version 2.5 or later.
True if this device supports Microsoft pointer events (always false on Macs).
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer and it is in quirks mode.
True if the current browser is Safari.
True if the browser supports SVG.
True if this device supports touchstart/-move/-end events (Apple iOS, Android, Chromebook and Chrome Browser on touch-enabled devices).
True if the browser supports VML.
True if the client is a Windows.
True if foreignObject support is not available.
Prefix for VML office namespace in node names.
Contains the current version of the mxGraph library.
Prefix for VML namespace in node names.
Contains the base names of the default bundles if mxLoadResources is false.
Dynamically adds a script node to the document header. In production environments, the includes are resolved in the mxClient.js file to reduce the number of requests required for client startup. This function should only be used in development environments, but not in production systems.
Returns true if the current browser is supported, that is, if <mxClient.IS_VML> or <mxClient.IS_SVG> is true.
Helper method to load the default bundles if mxLoadResources is false.
Function to call after all resources have been loaded.
Optional string to pass to mxResources.add.
Generated using TypeDoc
Bootstrapping mechanism for the mxGraph thin client. The production version of this file contains all code required to run the mxGraph thin client, as well as global constants to identify the browser and operating system in use. You may have to load chrome://global/content/contentAreaUtils.js in your page to disable certain security restrictions in Mozilla.